Meeting ID: 520 249 0532 I Password: KGP2025
Who’s it for? Any currently in leadership in church - e.g. staff, elders, pastors, children’s workers
What’s it for? To pray for Kent as a whole and for each other
When is it? 9-10am second Thursday of the month during term
What’s the format?
• 20 minutes - Bible devotion, starting by going through 1 Timothy with Richard Hagan
• 20 minutes - Prayer for particular parts of Kent in rotation (see below)
• 20 minutes - breakout rooms to pray for our ministry and our families. In these rooms people will be grouped together according to their role (e.g. pastors, children’s workers etc)

'This kind can come out only by prayer' (Mark 9:29)
I am so glad that Mark preserves for us that private conversation Jesus had with his disciples after they failed to help a man's demon-possessed son. The disciples had gone through the motions, doing what they had always done, but had failed to draw strength and power from the one whose name they were meant to be doing it in! Dependent, believing prayer is what our Lord Jesus Christ is calling us to.
Will you and other leaders in your church, whether staff or elders, men or women, come together and pray for the gospel to go out from our churches not just with words, but with 'power, the Holy Spirit and deep conviction'? Just imagine what would happen if it did! We wouldn't need to design more church publicity or plan another mission- the changed lives of those converted would say it all to the people around!
Your brother,
Richard Hagan, Chair of Kent Gospel Partnership
Leadership Prayer Zoom Meetings 2025