We asked some of our speakers to share what makes them 'flourish'...

Q - Tell us about the topic you will be speaking on; what excites you most about John 15?
I think John 15 is one of the most profound and mind blowing chapters in the Bible and I’d be hard pressed to say which bit excites me the most! I’ll be taking us through the place, purpose and privileges of being in Christ so do read it if you can before you come.
Q - Women often have to carry a lot around in their heads - what has been taking up brain space for you this month?
May has been a particularly mad month! I’ve been decorating the bedroom, been on three residential women’s conferences, had lots of family to stay and my son’s 21st. I’m currently making curtains (not my favourite job). I should have been launching a new career as a family mediator but I think I’ll have to wait till June to do that!
Q - What ways do you enjoy spending time with God? (eg walks, quiet time, silence?)
Usually sitting in bed with an early cup of tea and when I can, walking by the sea. I’m currently listening to the David Suchet audio bible in a year which means I can listen to God’s word almost wherever I am and whatever I’m doing.
Q - What helps you to flourish, what brings out the best in you?
I know this sounds boring but I’ve noticed the more organised I am, the happier I am. I just wish I was better at it! Apart from routinely 'living in the vine’ (ie spending time with God and His people), I would say a good balance of work, rest, exercise, creativity, time with my husband, family and friends etc all help me to flourish. I’ve also noticed recently that new challenges are also good for me and often bring to the best in me.
Q - What biblical principal causes you most confusion/frustration, the one you can't wait to get clarity on in heaven?
On the one hand I find the truth that we as God’s people are chosen and appointed for His glory completely overwhelming and humbling but on the other hand I get confused about why He doesn’t choose and appoint more people to bring Him even more glory.
Q - Do you have a Kent Connection?
As I live in South East London, Kent is my nearest bolt-hole when I want fresh air and country views as well as my escape route (via the M25) to various holiday destinations and visits to family.
Q - What is your favourite place/activity/memory in Kent?
I have loads but Chartwell last Saturday with family was pretty special.
Q - What are you most looking forward to about the Kent Women's convention?
I’ve been involved in leading The London Women’s Convention for many years. I was sad to see it close but am very excited that the story is continuing through the beginning of newer and more local conferences like this.

1. Tell us what you'll be doing at the Kent Women's Convention?
I'm thrilled to be leading the singing at KWC and running a seminar on 'flourishing as I am'. We are constantly bombarded as women about what and who we should be, and often we're tempted to trust what the world says about us. In this seminar, we're going to be looking at what the Bible says about our identity and how to be free from the world's lies and expectations.
2. Do you have any Kent connections/ favourite places in Kent?
My mum grew up in Sussex but moved to Tunbridge Wells in her 20s. We went back there together a few years ago and it was special to see where she spent many years of her life before I came along!
3. Women often have to carry a lot around in their heads- what has been taking up brain space for you this month?
Ooh, that's a big question! I'm currently recovering from a ruptured Achilles tendon (watch out, netballers!!), shingles, a very persistent cold, a break-up, and all with my family being in Australia for my brother's ill health. So, I've had lots on my mind, and am learning again to rely on God's sufficient grace to get me through the day.
4. Our theme this year is 'Flourish..growing and thriving in Christ.' What helps you to flourish, what brings out the best in you?
I've learnt to never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep, the occasional bath, green vegetables, and prayerful, kind friends!!! A good, long walk usually does the trick too, but I'm currently on crutches so I've been finding other ways! At the moment I'm reading through the gospels and I'm enjoying being refreshed by the uniqueness and wonder of the Lord Jesus.
5. What are you working on at the moment, music wise?
We're in the process of writing for a new congregational album. We're recording our first UK-based live album in August, so we look forward to sharing the songs with you next year.
6. What do you like best about your work at the moment?
God's purposes for Christian singing are so exciting and transformative and I love getting alongside churches and helping them biblically and practically in their music ministry. It's a wonderful moment when musicians realise that what they're doing is not just a chance for the congregation to stretch their legs (!) but a ministry where the 'word of Christ dwells in us richly' (Colossians 3:16) as we sing to one another. What an amazing thing to be part of!

1. Tell us what you'll be doing at the Kent Women's Convention?
I'm chairing the organising committee this year so we're busy getting all the details together and excited that people are now booking in! I'm also leading a seminar on the day, 'Bearing fruit in sharing the gospel'. Evangelism can sometimes feel like this scary and slightly awkward 'thing we have to do' as Christians. We might even wonder if we should be imposing our views on others by sharing the gospel at all. In the seminar we'll explore how sharing our faith is actually just an overflow of love for our wonderful God and of love for the friends, family and other folk he brings us into contact with. Love is a wonderful motivation for sharing the gospel aswell as our lives with those around us.
2. Do you have any Kent connections/ favourite places in Kent?
My husband Richard grew up on the Isle of Sheppey and went to school in Sittingbourne and Canterbury, where in fact he became a christian as a teenager! We moved as a family to Canterbury to start Emmanuel Church 10 years ago and love it here. Favourite place has to be cycling on the Crab and Winkle Way to Whitstable, and having a coffee and doughnut overlooking the sea!
3. Women often have to carry a lot around in their heads - what has been taking up brain space for you this month?
I have 4 school-aged children, and the youngest two are due to start school in September after bring home-schooled for most of primary. So my head is currently full of taster days, new uniform, trying not to worry how they'll settle in, as well as imagining how life will work with all the children at school next year...
4. Our theme this year is 'Flourish..growing and thriving in Christ.' What helps you to flourish, what brings out the best in you?
I think I flourish most when I take enough regular time to rest, find space to really unburden my heart to the Lord and slow down to enjoy Him and his good gifts. I'm really bad at getting this right, but when I do, it often involves things like walks in the wood with our dog Pippin, playing the harp or doing anything creative, or going for that doughnut and coffee on Whitstable beach!
5. What are you most looking forward to about KWC?
Gathering with lots of local women of all ages and stages to worship and listen to God together and be inspired to serve and love Him wherever we are in this fantastic part of the UK. It'll be great!